Public notices
Due to a state mandated project, the Village of Bellaire sewer rates will be increased to help pay for the costs of this state mandated project. Rates will be incresed starting on the November 2024 billing statements.
Letters were sent out regarding new meter equipment installation taking place. This installation may require our DPW staff to enter your basement or crawlspace to install this equipment. We need residents to schedule a time with the office at 231-533-8213 or for our staff to enter your home. This installation should take only 15-20 minutes of your time. While installing this new equipment, our staff will also be able to inventory the service lines inside your home to help determine if your water service line is made of lead.
Click this link for copy of the notification letter sent out: Notification of new meter equipment
This is NOT mandatory but is available for those who would like to go paperless. If you would like to opt in for this service, please send a quick email to: provide us with the following information:-Your Name
-Account #
-Service Address
-Email address to send bills to
Feel free to contact our office with any questions regarding this new option. 231-533-8213
The Village of Bellaire Water Department is scheduled to perform its biannual fire hydrant flushing. Fire hydrants are scheduled to be flushed starting October 21st between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Residents may notice a slight drop in water pressure during these times. Residents may also experience a temporary discoloration of the water due to the expected agitation of the water system. If you experience a discoloration of water please run your water until it runs clear. Please draw water from a sink prior to doing laundry during these times to make sure the water is clear. The water will still be completely safe to drink, even if discolored. Please call the Village of Bellaire Water Department at 231-533-6414 with any questions or concerns.
CRAVEN PARK BALLFIELD BANNER PROGRAMThe Friends of Bellaire Athletics is rolling out this banner program to help with the cost of and maintence for the new Baseball/ Softball fields going in at Craven Park. Please click the link below for more information.CRAVEN PARK BALLFIELD BANNER PROGRAM
Although the Village of Bellaire website is frequently updated, it may not be the most current information available. Information contained within this site is intended for reference only and should be verified by contacting the village offices. This webpage last updated on February 20, 2025.